How to look good in budget

           How to Look Good In budget

Here we know about the How to look Good in low Budget. But There is main problem comes from men that  How to look good or great without money. The next question also come that I don't have money to purchase anything or wear any thing. But there is problem on us. We don't know anything about the fashion or fitness so we purchase waste thing which are not in use. So we know about all the details about Fashion and fitness :

Image result for fashion men high quality image for pc wallpaper

Some step to know about in details :

  • Know Your Body Type : Firstly we will talk about the body. We don't knowledge about our body.Firstly we know about How is our body type and face type.There are major 5 body types are there in this world which are: 1. Triangle, 2.Inverted Triangle, 3. Rectangle, 4. Oval, 5.Trapezoid.To more know about them you can go on youtube channel or many ways to know your body and face type. By youtube you know about in details on your body type. By youtube you know everything about your body and how you will manage.There
  • Fitness or Gym : The second and most important point is that Gym or Fitness. In this para we will not talk about the bodybuilding we will talk about the fitness. Fitness means do some exercises like running, lift some weight on GYM to make your body perfect and healthy. BY Gym we can change our body and to make it perfect.This is main thing which every young men can't do on his age. You can join GYM and eat healthy by this you make your body fit and fine.You can do home exercises in low budget.You can get training from youtube also that "how to do exercise at home".
  • Hair Cut : The most important point is that our hair cut. Only Few of us know about the best hair cut. The most and basic thing in our body is hair. If we can't it perfectilly then it will disturb our body. So go can get a best hair cut for your face but one thing at first time cut you can't get such hair cut, research it and give time to your hair.Get a cool and perfect hair that shut your face type.
  • Beard : The most and most important thing is that your beard which will define your face. If don't have hair on our beard then you go only for clean save. And if you have so much hair come on beard then go for a perfect and well maintain beard.But the main thing look like perfect and handsome.One important point that if you have beard then maintain it and care it properly. 
  • Your Shirt : The main point is that choose a perfect shirt. When we know first step then we also know about the shirt. Their are mainly three most important shirt are:- 1.White, 2.Black, 3. Skyblue. After that So many color are also coming The blue shirt,pink,olive green, Brown.These are also a perfect shirt for us.If you Buy A shirt then you shop only sale.We will discuss that point also.
  • Your Paint : This is also really main point of the para.The paint are the most important about men.There are main three kinds of paint we wear and give us perfect shape is : A pair of Dark Blue Denim Jeans, Second Most important paint is Chinos. The chinos are most thing which every men have in their wardore. Chinos are made up of Cotton. If you buy a Chinos then you purchase a Black chinos, a ten Color chinos and a brown color chinos. The last one is a grey paint. These all three kinds of paint you really purchase for your wordore.
  • Accessories : These is topic about the low budget, so we will talk about only few accessories which every men should have these : 1. Wallet, 2. Watch, 3. Face Wash, 4. Sunglass, 5. Deo or perfume, 6. Hankies. So All These are the main accessories which every men should have in there wardore.
So by all these topic we will know about all the process about the low budget fashion but how we save more and more money Lets know about them, if you Want to purchase these items then you go for the sales. Sales means their are so many holidays sales are coming on every mart. So you wait for them and purchase a lots of items on holiday sales and don't waste your money to much on these items. 


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